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Middletown Township
H.S. Class of 1970 40th Reunion Reunion Meeting(s) Minutes |
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MTHS 1970 Reunion Meeting –
March 27, 10 a.m.
Committee Members in attendance:
Bob Hughes
Sue Quigley McDonald
Kevin & Ann Monahan
Kate Greenwald Hughes - Secretary
Angela DiFilippi Campo – Data Diva
Roger Jennings
Denise Sininsky Papon
Another successful meeting!
As you may already have heard, Bob and Roger went to hear Danger Zone – and they are booked. Dennis Hern is the base player and a member of the MTHS 1970 graduating class. After discussing a location for the reunion, Roger called his Dad and we have booked into the VFW in Port Monmouth for Saturday, October 30, 2010. We’ll have more information regarding menu, services available, and what else we’ll need to address for the evening at the next meeting. We are trying to keep the costs down due to the state of the economy.
Finance Committee: Sue Quigley McDonald and Carol Roma Johns have agreed to head up the finance committee. Sue acknowledged receipt of checks to start up our account at the Wachovia Bank, Monmouth Beach branch. As of today 3/29/10 a bank account has been established.
A suggestion to add a “save the weekend” post card to our mailings. The sample that was made up has been revised so that our reunion will take center stage for the weekend. Bob sent out another copy. Please let us know your thoughts. Constructive ideas are more than welcome – they are needed.
Roger introduced us to “Vista Print” for the post cards. Once the card information is agreed upon, Angela can give us her input on the list she has. Ann offered to assist with creating the labels.
Angela is keeping the class lists up to date and asked for some assistance proofing. A huge task as it was noted that there are names in our year book that aren’t in the reunion books from previous events. Thank you Angela for keeping us organized.
Bob mentioned a hospitality suite the night of the football game, and we discussed a block of rooms to reserve for the weekend for out of town classmates. Angela mentioned Comfort Inn, it’s in Middletown – great location. And they do have rooms available for a potential hospitality suite, etc. Something to look into for room reservations and adding to the invitation.
There will be a post card mailing get together in a few weeks. Please add comments and/or suggestions.
Great seeing everyone! Look forward to seeing more at the next meeting – so mark your calendar for Saturday, May 8th at 10 a.m. at the Monmouth Beach First Aid building.
note to alumni, please make sure you have a current
address for us.
Keep an eye
on your mailbox!!
MTHS 1970 Reunion Meeting –
May 8, 2010
Kevin Monahan
Sue Quigley McDonald
Kate Greenwald Hughes
Roger Jennings
Debbie Abbott Wagner
Joyce Moore Horn
Janice Maresca
More progress has been made!
We are prepping the invitation for mailing before the end of May. One more draft to be sent out to the group for the last review and any additional input.
Sit down dinner was decided over the cocktail/buffet. Jacques has updated and asked that we confirm the 3 entrée choices 10 days prior, they will waive the additional $3.00 for the 3rd entrée.
A sample coffee mug with MTHS 1970 artwork was on display. The same artwork will be used for the cover of our reunion book. Kevin and Roger have taken on the task of finding a printer and ad sponsors for our reunion memory book. We all agreed to keep our classmates listings as they wish. If we don’t hear back from an individual, but have a current address, we will list only their names. The same request will be asked in the invitation.
Name tags and decorations discussed and the committee members – Debbie Wagner, Joyce Horn and Janice Maresca.
The reservation was agreed upon as $75.00 per person. This nominal increase will cover the expenses of the reunion.
As time permits, if there are updates to be shared or a project that requires some attention, we can always contact with each other via e-mail, telephone or an informal get together.
It was also suggested that we allow for some summertime relaxation, we scheduled an evening meeting for Thursday, July 29th at 7:00 p.m. at the Monmouth Beach First Aid Building. By then, we’ll have an idea of the response to the invitation mailing.
As always, great seeing everyone! Looking forward to the next meeting – so mark your calendar for Saturday, June 5th at 10 a.m. at the Monmouth Beach First Aid Building.
MTHS 1970 Reunion Meeting –
June 5, 2010
Angela Campo
Sue Quigley McDonald
Kate Greenwald Hughes
Debbie Abbott Wagner
Joyce Moore Horn
Janice Maresca
Jeff Pike
More great ideas are forming for our 40th Reunion Celebration!
Last draft of the invitation is attached for last minute touch ups, and then to print. Angela came up with the orange paper – great idea!
Carol showed us her scrapbook that we can make up after out party. Noted in the invitation, bring you digital cameras for sharing all of the memories from the night.
Kevin found a printer for the memory books, 20 pages, quantity of 300 would run approx. $600.00.
We’ll have shuttle service from the Comfort Inn on the night of the reunion party courtesy of Lorri, no charge however tips will be gratefully accepted.
Kate sent out the most recent consolidated “not found” list to Jeff, Sam, and of course, Angela.
Ideas discussed for keeping the evening moving as far as mingling.
Photographer for hire, Michael Berry, please see attached for more details. I think we should book him as soon as available. If someone would take this on, just let us know via e-mail and we’ll discuss at the next meeting.
An idea from Janice (I think) for the in between years. A gathering, cookout or pot luck at Bodman Park. Another great idea.
And lastly, send Dick Kleva an invitation to the 40th Reunion party.
Please update anything that I might have overlooked. Thank you.
As always, great seeing everyone! Looking forward to the next meeting – so mark your calendar for Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Monmouth Beach First Aid Building.
MTHS 1970 Reunion Meeting –
July 29, 2010
Bob Hughes
Angela DeFilippi Campo
Sue Quigley McDonald
Kate Greenwald Hughes
Joyce Moore Horn
Jeff Pike
Kevin & Ann Monahan
Joyce Cherne Kaiser
Carol Roma Johns
Update discussions continue for our 40th Reunion Celebration!
Sue shared the RSVP list, and we will make another deposit to Jacques next week.
Kevin shared the reunion book update. Jersey Printing will run approx. $625.00, 20 pages, for 300 booklets. The size – 6 x 9, color glossy w/our logo. Price is an approximate, Kevin and Roger will work on ads to assist with expenses, i.e. website, donation, tips, etc.
Comfort Inn will discount a hospitality suite with a minimum of 10 rooms booked for overnighters that weekend.
We’ll have shuttle service from the Comfort Inn on the night of the reunion party courtesy of Loori, no charge, plan in place for ensuring the driver receives a tip for the evening.
Photographer: Michael Berry. Sam will confirm his availability for the evening.
Decorations committee – Debbie, Janice & Joyce K.: linens selection and table decorations.
A reminder to send Coach Kleva invitations to the 40th Reunion party.
We are planning to make a donation to the Monmouth Beach First Aid for allowing us to meet at their facility. Amount of donation to be decided at the October meeting.
Patti w/Jacques agreed to us having our last meeting at Jacques, Kate will call when we select a date to clear it with her.
Please update anything that I might have overlooked. Thank you.
As always, great seeing everyone! Looking forward to the next meeting – keep an eye out for the next meeting date and time. There is a conflict with the Aug. 19th date at the Monmouth Beach First Aid Building.
Revised – August 1,
MTHS 1970 Reunion Meeting –
August 24, 2010
Millie Woodley Ensley
Sue Quigley McDonald
Kate Greenwald Hughes
Debbie Abbott Wagner
Kevin & Ann Monhan
Joyce Chernie Kaiser
Carol Romano Johns
Patti with Jacques has another party to book for October 30th. Since our replies so far only total approx. 100, we agreed to take the front room. If we receive more replies that push us over the 250 limit, we’ll talk to Jacques about the room across the hall as a “conversation room.”
Sue will contact the local papers and ask about placing a news article about the MTHS 1970 reunion date and contact information.
Joyce K. said they are working on a date to select the linens at Jacques.
Kevin updated the ad space for the reunion book as follows: ¼ page = $25, ½ page = $40, full pate = $75 & inside cover = $100. Plus he is the contact if any Middletown business have questions about placing ads.
Decorations committee – Debbie, Janice & Joyce K.: linens selection and table decorations.
Dick “Coach” Kleva replied that he and his wife will be joining us for our reunion.
The RSVP list was passed around for everyone to take down some names for contacting about the reunion.
As always, please update anything that I may have overlooked. Thank you.
As always, great seeing everyone! Looking forward to the next meeting – so mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the Monmouth Beach First Aid Building.
MTHS 1970 Reunion Meeting – September 14, 2010
Bob Hughes
Sue Quigley McDonald
Kate Greenwald Hughes
Joyce Cherne Kaiser
Carol Roma Johns
Janice Maresca
We are coming down the home stretch to our 40th Reunion Celebration!
Janice & Joy came up with a centerpiece for the tables. Very creative.
We’ll plan an agenda for the evening, i.e. introduction of Couch Kleva, open mike to share a high school memory, etc.
Another deposit was made to Jacques, the final count has to be turned in on October 15th, per the contract.
Jacques has one large easel and two table top size. If anyone has one to loan us for the evening, please let us know.
We are also looking for a projector – please contact a committee member if you have one to loan us for the evening.
We are planning to make a donation to the Monmouth Beach First Aid for allowing us to meet at their facility. Amount of donation to be decided at the October meeting.
Please update anything that I might have overlooked. Thank you.
As always, great seeing everyone! Looking forward to the next meeting – so mark your calendar for Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. at the Monmouth Beach First Aid Building.
MTHS 1970 Reunion Meeting – October 2, 2010
Kevin & Ann Monahan
Debbie Abbott Wagner
Millie Woodley Ensley
Joyce Moore Horn
Angela DeFilippi Campo
Sue Quigley McDonald
Kate Greenwald Hughes
Joyce Cherne Kaiser
Carol Roma Johns
Janice Maresca Wolffe
We are closing in on a great party to celebrate our 40th High School Reunion!
Joy, Janice, Angela and Debbie are putting the table decorations together this week.
Another deposit will be made to Jacques this week, the final count has to be turned in on October 15th, per the contract. The final numbers were submitted for mugs and tee shirts at the end of September.
No more tee shirt orders will be accepted with the RSVP’s.
There will be approximately a dozen extra shirts available at the reunion.
The posters will be set up for displaying the “name tags” of classmates in attendance and other special displays of memorabilia. Debbie can loan us a couple of easels to fill in.
We have a projector for the memorial presentation.
Millie showed us the memorial that she has been working on, very moving and an lovely tribute. Special thank you!
Kevin is on the book with the printer, if there are any ads that you would like to place in our book. Please contact Kevin directly.
Birthday cake and school theme cake. Check facebook for Oct. birthdays.
Kate will check w/Patti about timing for set up on Saturday, 10/30th afternoon.
As always, great seeing everyone! Looking forward to the last meeting to wrap up the finishing touches – so mark your calendar for Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. at the Monmouth Beach First Aid Building.
Thoughts for an agenda for next meeting:
Planning some of the highlights for the evening, i.e. introduction of the band, dinner, award presentations…how many and ideas, i.e. traveled the farthest and so on, socialize.
MTHS 1970 Reunion Meeting – October 16, 2010
Kevin & Ann Monahan
Debbie Abbott Wagner
Milly Woodley Ensley
Angela DeFilippi Campo
Sue Quigley McDonald
Kate Greenwald Hughes
Carol Roma Johns
Jeff Pike
A lot of work has gone into making this reunion great, and it will be!
Another decorating commitee meeting is planned next week, 26th to finish up their project.
Another deposit was be made to Jacques this week, the bulk of the count for the meals was given to Jacques.
* Since there isn’t another event scheduled for that day, Patti said that Jacques opens at 10 a.m. The delivery of balloons, etc. can be planned accordingly. Just to make sure, I mentioned to Patti that I would give her a call late next week to double check the timing.
Tee shirt orders will be filled from the extra’s. No new orders can be placed.
We voted on the artwork that Ray sent over, so we’re all set.
Milly reworked the memorial tribute. Special thank you!
Please contact Kevin directly if you would like to place an ad for our reunion book. He will give you the details.
The last meeting will be assembling the handouts for the reunion party will be Wednesday, Oct. 27th. We’re meeting at Angela’s Middletown home, courtesy of Pat. 98 Linden, off Pine. In Middletown. Please contact Angela for directions, or google.map.
Photographer" for the Class of 1970's 40th Reunion Group
Photo is
Mike Berry of :
The Comfort Inn has enough bookings for the weekend that we have a Hospitality Suite available at 8 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 29th.
If you think of something you would like mentioned at the reunion, please send an e-mail to Jeff Pike. He will emcee the evening and we’ll ask Ray to introduce Coach Kleva.
Web site and all
© Copyright MTHS 1970 40th Reunion Committee,
2010/16 All
rights reserved.
Special Thanks To The MTHS 1970 Reunion Committee for sponsoring |